Chris Giles of Havilah Resources presents the business case for the company's Mutooroo asset, highlighting recent drilling success confirming copper-cobalt lode extensions and emphasizing further exploration potential in surrounding regions.|Chris Giles T 00:10:00
Chris Giles is an internationally experienced exploration geologist having been directly involved in exploration programs resulting in the discovery of several operating gold mines in various parts of the world, including Indonesia, Tanzania, and the Tanami and the Eastern Goldfields regions of Australia. Chris was a founding member of Havilah Resources Limited and has played a key role in the strategic accumulation of the Group’s mineral tenement holding in the Curnamona Province region of northeastern South Australia. As the Technical Director for Havilah Resources Limited, Chris has been responsible for ground selection and overseeing exploration programs contributing to the delineation of 8 new mineral resources within this tenement area, resulting in Havilah’s present JORC Mineral Resource inventory. Chris is an Executive Director and continues to provide technical guidance within the business. Chris is a member of the Australian Institute of Geoscientists and is a resident of Adelaide.