Bob Miner discusses the future of gold prices at $2750; Peter Brereton is the President and CEO of TECSYS Inc|Peter Brereton, President and CEO of TECSYS Inc 00:10:00

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Peter joined Tecsys at its inception and initially led the company’s software development, product management, sales and marketing. In 1995, he was appointed president. In 1998, Peter was appointed CEO and was largely responsible for the company’s Initial Public Offering. He repositioned Tecsys in the supply chain execution industry, and leveraged the company’s strengths in technology and supply chain expertise to achieve significant growth and become a leader in its markets. Peter eventually moved the company into health systems and helped land its first major Integrated Delivery Network (IDN). He also led a number of acquisitions, taking a foothold in other vertical markets including retail, third-party logistics, healthcare and general wholesale high-volume distribution. In 2019, Peter was recognized with an EY Entrepreneur Of The Year® award in Quebec.

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