Inheriting Prosperity: Inside The Wealth Conservancy | MYRA SALZER - CFP of The Wealth Conservancy, Inc. 00:10:00
Myra has been on this planet long enough to make her college and prior career work experience irrelevant (BS Chemical Engineer, Diamond Shamrock, Syntex Chemicals). She started The Wealth Conservancy in 1983, and has been steadfastly, consistently, determinedly, fiduciarily, dependably, honorably serving clients with integrity ever since. As an introvert, she’s never comfortable talking about her “celebrity” status in the field of fee-only financial planning. The recognition she has received is not nearly as meaningful as the long-term relationships she has with her clients, several of whom have been with the firm since the ‘80s. As an intrepid defender of the underserved, her mostly inheritor clients get the treatment they deserve and the attention they want. The Wealth Conservancy is a safe place for those who have not worked for their financial resources, whether that be because they inherited their assets, receive them in a divorce, or have been widowed. What clients have in common is to preserve and control the assets they have received. People have started to ask if Myra has plans to retire. The answer is, “absolutely not!” She’s having way too much fun serving clients, working with colleagues, and growing the firm. She has a vision of what an ideal family-of-affinity office could look like and is excited to build it and watch it function. Personally, Myra retreats to the foothills home she shares with her husband and dog. She gets great satisfaction from enjoying a simple life, cooking for friends, and reading beside the dog in the vista-filled window seat.