Michael Update on La Parrilla Progress and Future Milestones at One-to-One Mining Investment Conference 00:10:00
Michael George Masterman, BEc Hons, has been Chairman of the Board, Chief Executive Officer of Po Valley Energy Ltd since November 1, 2017. He was its Non-Executive Chairman of the Board before that. Mr. Masterman became Member of the Remuneration & Nomination Committee on January 1, 2011. He took up the position of Executive Chairman and CEO of PVE and Northsun Italia S.p.A. in 2002 and resigned in October 2010 to take up an executive position at Fortescue Metal Group where he is currently CEO of FMG Iron Bridge iron ore company and recently completed the US$1.15bn sale of a 31% interest in the project to Formosa Plastics Group.