Pioneering EV Fast Charging Solutions | Tomi Ristimäki - Chief Executive Officer of Kempower 00:10:00
Tomi Ristimäki has dedicated his career to the world of clean technology and energy-saving solutions. Starting out in the industry, he focused on finding ways to make systems more efficient and reduce energy consumption in building management. However, in 2010, he transitioned into the world of E-mobility, where he played a vital role in convincing people to adopt the electric movement. In 2019 Tomi got an opportunity to shift his focus towards pure electric charging. Embracing this chance, he joined Kempower, where he has been dedicated to advancing the pure electric movement. In addition to his professional involvement, Tomi has become an electric vehicle enthusiast, driving EVs since 2019 and inspiring his family to convert. He plans to add a third EV to his home when his daughter turns 18, showcasing his commitment to a cleaner and more sustainable future.